
NET (National Elig...

The NET exam, conducted by the University Grants Commission (UGC), is a national-level exam for candidates wishing to pursue a career in teaching at the college and university level. The exam is essential for recruitment as a Lecturer or Assistant Professor in Indian universities and colleges. NET is conducted in various subjects, and candidates must have a Master’s degree in the relevant subject to apply. The exam consists of three papers: Paper 1: General Paper on Teaching and Research Aptitude. Paper 2: Subject-specific Paper. Paper 3: Advanced Subject Paper. Candidates who clear the NET exam are eligible for teaching positions in Indian universities and colleges. see more...

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Indian Army Recrui...

The Indian Army conducts various recruitment exams for different positions, such as Soldiers, Clerks, Technical Staff, and Tradesmen. The recruitment exams vary based on the role and are generally organized by the Indian Army Recruiting Directorate. Eligibility: The eligibility criteria depend on the specific position. For example, to join as a soldier, candidates must have passed the 10th or 12th standard and be between 17 to 23 years of age. Exam Pattern: The exam pattern generally consists of a written test, physical fitness test, and medical test. Selection Process: The selection process includes physical fitness tests, medical tests, and the written examination. see more...

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SSC JE (Junior Eng...

The SSC JE exam is aimed at recruiting junior engineers in the fields of civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering. This exam is open to candidates with a diploma or degree in engineering. It consists of two tiers: a computer-based exam and a descriptive paper. see more...

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RRB Clerk Exam

The RRB Clerk Exam recruits candidates for clerical positions in regional rural banks. Like the IBPS Clerk Exam, this exam includes Prelims and Mains. Bank clerks in RRBs are responsible for maintaining records, interacting with customers, and handling financial transactions. The exam is open to candidates with a graduation degree. The work profile offers stability, job security, and a chance to work in the rural banking sector. see more...

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RRB RPF (Railway P...

The RRB RPF Exam recruits candidates for the Railway Protection Force (RPF), which is responsible for the security of Indian Railways' passengers, property, and infrastructure. This exam recruits candidates for various positions, including Constables and Sub-Inspectors. The eligibility criteria vary based on the post, and the exam consists of a computer-based test (CBT), physical efficiency test (PET), and medical examination. see more...

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SET (State Eligibi...

The SET exam is a state-level exam similar to NET but specifically for recruiting college and university lecturers in state-run institutions. Like NET, SET is conducted by individual state universities, and it aims to ensure that lecturers possess the required knowledge and teaching skills. The SET exam pattern is similar to the NET exam, consisting of objective-type questions in General Studies and Subject-specific Knowledge. see more...

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