The RRB NTPC Exam is one of the most popular exams conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board. It recruits candidates for various non-technical posts in Indian Railways, including Goods Guard, Traffic Assistant, Commercial Apprentice, Ticket Collector, and more. The exam is open to candidates with a 12th-grade or graduate qualification, depending on the post. The selection process includes a computer-based test (CBT), followed by a skill test and document verification. see more...
Read MoreThe RRB Group D Exam is conducted for the recruitment of candidates to Group D posts in Indian Railways. These positions include Track Maintainer, Assistant Pointsman, Helper, and Depot Porter, among others. Candidates with a minimum educational qualification of 10th grade are eligible for this exam. The selection process consists of a computer-based test (CBT), physical efficiency test (PET), and document verification. see more...
Read MoreThe RRB ALP Exam is conducted for the recruitment of Assistant Loco Pilots in Indian Railways. Candidates with a 10th-grade education and ITI diploma (or equivalent) in a relevant trade are eligible to apply. The exam is conducted in multiple stages, including a computer-based test (CBT), a skills test, and document verification. Assistant Loco Pilots are responsible for operating trains and ensuring their safe and timely movement. see more...
Read MoreThe RRB JE Exam recruits candidates for the position of Junior Engineer in various technical departments of Indian Railways. This exam is open to candidates with a diploma or degree in engineering in relevant fields such as Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, etc. The recruitment process consists of a computer-based test (CBT), followed by a document verification stage. Junior Engineers are responsible for the technical and operational aspects of railway infrastructure. see more...
Read MoreThe RRB RPF Exam recruits candidates for the Railway Protection Force (RPF), which is responsible for the security of Indian Railways' passengers, property, and infrastructure. This exam recruits candidates for various positions, including Constables and Sub-Inspectors. The eligibility criteria vary based on the post, and the exam consists of a computer-based test (CBT), physical efficiency test (PET), and medical examination. see more...
Read MoreThe RRB Ministerial & Isolated Categories Exam is conducted for various ministerial and isolated posts in Indian Railways, such as Stenographer, Typist, Clerk, and Junior Translator. The eligibility criteria include specific qualifications in terms of education and experience. The recruitment process involves a computer-based test (CBT) and a skill test (for posts like Typist, Stenographer). see more...
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