
RRB ALP (Assistant...

The RRB ALP Exam is conducted for the recruitment of Assistant Loco Pilots in Indian Railways. Candidates with a 10th-grade education and ITI diploma (or equivalent) in a relevant trade are eligible to apply. The exam is conducted in multiple stages, including a computer-based test (CBT), a skills test, and document verification. Assistant Loco Pilots are responsible for operating trains and ensuring their safe and timely movement. see more...

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State Teacher Exam...

In addition to TET, many states also conduct their own teacher recruitment exams for various teaching positions, including Primary Teachers, Secondary Teachers, and Postgraduate Teachers. Some examples include: Maharashtra State Teacher Exam Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (UPTET) Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET) Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test (TNTET) Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (KTET) These exams typically consist of written tests with objective questions covering various subjects such as General Knowledge, Pedagogy, Language Proficiency, and Subject-specific Knowledge. State exams may also include interviews and document verification as part of the selection process. see more...

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AFCAT (Air Force C...

The AFCAT Exam is conducted by the Indian Air Force to recruit Officers in the Flying, Ground Duty (Technical), and Ground Duty (Non-Technical) branches. This exam is held twice a year and is open to both men and women. Eligibility: Candidates must have a graduation (for ground duty), or an engineering degree (for technical branches), and be aged between 20 to 24 years (for flying branch). Exam Pattern: The AFCAT exam consists of General Awareness, Verbal Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning. Selection Process: The selection process includes the AFCAT exam, followed by the AFCAT SSB interview, and a medical examination. see more...

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SSC GD (General Du...

The SSC GD Constable exam recruits candidates for constable posts in various paramilitary forces and the Delhi Police. Candidates must meet certain physical and medical requirements. The exam consists of a written test followed by a physical efficiency test (PET) and medical examination. see more...

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RRB PO (Regional R...

The RRB PO Exam is conducted for the recruitment of Probationary Officers in regional rural banks across India. The exam consists of Prelims, Mains, and an Interview stage. The role of a Probationary Officer in RRBs includes managing banking operations in rural areas, extending financial services, and working towards rural development. To be eligible, candidates need to have a graduate degree from a recognized university. see more...

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RRB JE (Junior Eng...

The RRB JE Exam recruits candidates for the position of Junior Engineer in various technical departments of Indian Railways. This exam is open to candidates with a diploma or degree in engineering in relevant fields such as Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, etc. The recruitment process consists of a computer-based test (CBT), followed by a document verification stage. Junior Engineers are responsible for the technical and operational aspects of railway infrastructure. see more...

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